South Lanarkshire Development Meet 4

August 21st, 2017

Here is the list of selected swimmers for SLDM #4

Swimmers will be automagicalled entered and must let Mike know by 25th August if they are unable to attend.

Maisie Black Jori Horn John Dunn
Rachel Borland Katie Jackson Callum Ferguson
Sarah Cairney Freya Lamont Alexander Gunn
Charley Chung Elise Leslie Hayden Hunter
Emily Copeland Elki Little Blair Kennedy
Lily Crichton Amy McBrearty Ross McGhee
Leah Dereje Marcy McFarlane Murray McGregor
Kaysey Dickson Olivia McGlone Matthew Meechan
Rona Easton Macy McLean Noah Miles
Elise Fawcett Isabella McNeill Caolan Millard
Cara Forrest Monica Muir Jamie Miller
Kirsty Forrest Neve Murray Euan Mitchell
Megan Fyfe Lara Sabharwal Theo Monteith
Gillian Gibson Maisie Stewart Rory Muir
Rebecca Gunn Cara Swallow Ben O’Reilly
Eve Hamilton Lukas Black Kieran Swallow
Amie Harvey Anthony Bradley Owen Wallis
Chloe Hobbs Lucas Cochrane