Mobile Phone Policy

July 8th, 2016

Below is a statement from Scottish Swimming on its Mobile Phone Policy

Scottish Swimming has been dealing with a growing number of mobile phone related incidents over the past year, with a significant increase of incidents in the last month. In the main these incidents are taking place in changing rooms, many of them are becoming police matters and the repercussions are significant for those members involved.

Scottish Swimming has a very clear Mobile Phone Policy, please see link below, in particular the Policy states that there are ‘mobile phone free’ areas which include Changing Rooms, Toilets and Showers – the policy is clear that there is a zero tolerance approach to use of phones in these areas. The policy applies during all club activities including training and competition, regardless of the venue.

Can you please ensure all members are aware of this policy and have signed up to it. Importantly can you make sure parents are also aware of the policy and the growing issue that we are facing, the consequences for their children can be significant if the rules are broken.

Forbes Dunlop
Chief Executive Officer
Scottish Swimming

Scottish Swimmings Mobile Phone Policy can be found here.

Amanda (our Child Protection Officer) will co-ordinate the distribution and signing of this policy after the summer break.

Please note that there is also a Safer Internet guide here which contains useful info on the more popular social media platforms that children use.