Dear member. As per recent email and Facebook notices, your Club membership is due for renewal for the 2020 / 2021 season on March 31st. This includes the Scottish Amateur Swimming Association (SASA) membership and the West District affiliation fees.
If you intend to swim again this season, your payment was due by Friday March 13th into the Club’s main account (the same account you pay your monthly fees into). The payment reference should be the swimmer’s surname, initial, SASA eg ‘Bloggs J SASA’. The cost for a single swimmer is £55; subsequent swimmers £45. The membership fee scale thoughout the year is shown on the table on the Swimming Membership page.
If you don’t intend to renew again this year, it’s is important that you let us know.
If you have received this email in error, please accept our apologies and let us know.
This mailing list has by necessity been created from our current 2019 / 2020 Scottish Swimming membership list.
Best regards
Steven Horn
Club Secretary
On behalf of RASC Management Committee