Sports Performance Nutrition Session

November 16th, 2019

We are delighted to offer the above session to all our swimmers on Wednesday 20th November.

This fantastic opportunity is hosted by Marianne Hayward, a sports nutritionist who has worked previously  with the Scottish Institute of Sport/Scottish Swimming and who provides sports nutrition advice to the Glasgow School of Sport.  She has kindly agreed to provide two educational sessions to all of our swimmers on Wednesday the 20th of November at Trinity High School.  This will be aimed at educating us all on general sports nutrition advice

The first hour session (18:00-19:00) will be for the more junior squads Development through to Rascals.

With the second hour (19:00-20:00) being dedicated to providing more detailed advice for the performance squads. 

The sessions will be hosted at Trinity and replace the normal land training session this Wednesday.

Parents are also welcome to stay and listen and we would encourage everyone to make the most of this opportunity.

Many thanks,
