Shortly you will get asked by your School for your swim times for this event on Wednedsay the 8th of November at Larkhall, for those Schools who actually know you are a swimmer ☺. Some Schools are better at this than others i.e. Cathkin High, Stonelaw. So, you may need to badger them particularly in the Primary’s!
I will give all those swimmers who I consider qualify for this a letter and entry times to take to your school shortly. Remember the entry times are tough and are not for everyone, probably only those near District Level.
The closing date for entries is Tuesday 10th October. No late entries will be accepted.
Schools are notoriously bad at entering you for the wrong thing. That will be your school’s problem not the clubs. This is a Schools Competition run by them, we will support you but cannot undo the schools or your errors.
Again Note: – The South Lanarkshire Swim Clubs do everything in their powers to make this happen for you. However, the entry is made by your school and we have nothing to do with it. It is essential that you discuss we me what you swim and make sure your School gets it right and in on time. The point of contact is always your school, but any problems keep me in the loop.
Remember this is the Qualifying round for the Scottish Championships so you need to enter a 200m or 400m if you want to get to the final unless you were born 2005 or earlier.
“A swimmer may enter a maximum number of events as detailed below:-
2006 and later 3 individual events.
2005 and earlier 4 individual events of which at least one must be a 200m or a 400m event.”
This is one of the major reasons young competitive swimmers need to train towards and compete at these distances or greater. Once again the Club needs to provide a full compliment of Technical officials as this meet is accredited and our STO Coordinator will be in touch.