Rascals Graded Meet

May 28th, 2017

A huge thank you to everyone who assisted with the running of this weekend’s meet. Once again Rutherglen has successfully provided a top quality competition for all attending clubs.

There are too many names to mention everyone but particular thanks to –
Angela for co-coordinating the meet.
Amanda, Steven & Willie for arranging things on the day while Angela was sunning herself in Florida! 🙂
Annmarie and the team for selling programmes, organising the raffle and ably manning the spectator area.
Fraser and Atul for their superlative announcing skills.
All our officials, judges and timekeepers who put in the hours poolside.
Our marshals, medal presenters and runners for making sure the swimmers got to their start blocks on time, posting results and bringing much needed cups of tea and coffee to the meet management desk.

Thanks too go out to all attending officials from visiting clubs, Ronnie Girvan and our referee Jean King.

Without the support and hard work of all our volunteers, who give up so much of their time for the club we couldn’t run this meet. Thank you!

RASC Meet Manager