Swimathon at Tollcross

September 23rd, 2016

10 hour Swimathon at Tollcross Leisure Centre
Sunday, 16th October 2016 (9am until 7pm)

Rutherglen are members of the West of Scotland Federation and we are supporting this event. We have a time slot 13.00-14.00. It is just like a fun training session 🙂

We need a squad of swimmers, who can come from any squad but we would particularly like Silver and Rascals Squads to support this.

This event is to raise funds for:

  • Supporting our annual competitive programme – e.g.  last year it cost £2,600 to host the Regional Championships: these costs are not passed on to clubs.
  • Raise funds for swimmers who will be competing at the Special Olympics GB National Summer Games in Sheffield in 2017.
  • Raise funds towards the costs of Scotland West competing at other GB National Events.
  • The Federation really needs member clubs to get behind and support this event. With the recent successes in the Paralympics fresh in mind I think you will agree this a great cause and will help develop the next generation of athletes.

    There is a list for names on the Club Noticeboard , so please add your name if you want to take part. Sponsor Forms will be on the Club Noticeboard, at the Club desk, or print out here.