10 hour Swimathon at Tollcross Leisure Centre
Sunday, 16th October 2016 (9am until 7pm)
Rutherglen are members of the West of Scotland Federation and we are supporting this event. We have a time slot 13.00-14.00. It is just like a fun training session 🙂
We need a squad of swimmers, who can come from any squad but we would particularly like Silver and Rascals Squads to support this.
This event is to raise funds for:
The Federation really needs member clubs to get behind and support this event. With the recent successes in the Paralympics fresh in mind I think you will agree this a great cause and will help develop the next generation of athletes.
There is a list for names on the Club Noticeboard , so please add your name if you want to take part. Sponsor Forms will be on the Club Noticeboard, at the Club desk, or print out here.