Fundraising is an important aspect of the Club and as such we are looking for as many children/volunteers to assist where possible.
Fundraising assists in keeping monthly membership fees to a minimum and contributes towards Club events for the swimmers, i.e. Summer Discos, Christmas Days out, Presentation/Awards Nights etc.
Each volunteer is asked to complete a 2 hour slot where possible.
Slots allocated are 10 -12, 12 – 2pm & 2pm – 4pm.  Please advise the Club desk of your preferred time or simply add your name to the list on the Club noticeboard.
For younger children attending it is requested that an adult remains to assist them at the checkout.
CLUB TOPS TO BE WORN BY ALL CHILDREN IN ATTENDANCE PLEASE. (If you do not have 1 please speak with the Club Desk or a Committee Member)
Many Thanks
Rutherglen Committee