Friday 8th December is the start of this event at the Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh, which continues to Sunday.
This year we have FOUR swimmers representing us in the South Lanarkshire Swim Team. Chris Perceval Maxwell, Ethan Horn, Louise Bradley and Johann Fawcett. Alastair Kirkwood would be there but is still in Malta on his University course.
Last year we only had two swimmers at this event, so this is a big improvement. Plus, this year Ethan Horn and Johann Fawcett are representing us in The South Lanarkshire ‘A’ Team relays, both together in one of the relays. It is not often, if ever, have I seen this happen.
So, watch out for results on Meet Mobile or and check out live streaming on the Scottish Swimming website, although this may only be for evening finals and relays sessions.
Lindsay Young
Head Coach