A Thank You from the Leslies

March 2nd, 2016
As some of you will be aware we recently lost Hazel Leslie to East Kilbride.  Hazel and her brother Ross had both been at Rutherglen from yon high and they, along with their parents Neil and Gale, had been a large part of Rutherglen’s success in recent years.  Below is an extract from an email Neil sent in to the Club…
“As you are aware Hazel had requested a trial period at EK to trial out the different pool timetable (more hours in the pool and free up her evenings for study time for school exams). She has decided that it is working and wants to make official her transfer to EK.
This brings to an end a 10 year relationship with the Leslie family and RASC !  The ten years which have flown by have seen both Ross and Hazel develop into fine young swimmers with a fair degree of success. This is in no small part to Lindsay, Fiona, Helen, Ryan and all the coaching team. We will be eternally grateful for all their input in their development. As a family we embraced the sport and the club with both Gale and I  becoming involved on committee and rising through the ranks of technical officials.
Along the way we enjoyed many a Gala, committee meeting, awards nights, clyde coast and Sheffield trips as well as making many friends (both swimmers and parents).
It is with mixed emotions we reach this stage in their swimming careers, excitement at what might lay ahead and sadness that their time at RASC has come to an end. As a family we will hold a lot of happy memories of our time with the club. It is by no means the end of the road, the swimming community is a small one and we will see each other at many galas to come. The club will always be dear to us and if we can ever be of assistance you only need to ask.
I would like you to convey our thanks and very best wishes to all involved with the club and especially those who made the journey with us.
All the very best from Neil, Gale, Ross and Hazel
(swim eat sleep repeat ! )”